1.) My middle name is Shalaine.
2.) My confirmation name is Genevieve.
3.) I actually like my names.
4.) All of them.
5.) I'm a Gemini.
6.) Not that I really put too much stock in astrology.
7.) Well, I try not to, but sometimes I'm curious.
8.) Yes, I know. Curiosity killed the cat.
9.) I have a cat, Cuddles.
10.) I can't hear you, but I do know you're laughing.
11.) I named him/got him just after my tenth birthday.
12.) I'm twenty-one now.
13.) I have never been to a bar/club in the United States.
14.) I prefer bars to clubs any day.
15.) Even though I do like to dance.
16.) The under-aged bar whores who frequent clubs are usually more than I can bear.
17.) I love music.
18.) And books. Yeah, books.
19.) I am a writer.
20.) Even though I have yet to be published.
21.) I have started trying to get published.
22.) My current creative project is a play I'm hoping to submit to a one act play festival.
23.) I love live theatre.
24.) I almost chose to study acting at university.
25.) I changed my mind only weeks before I had to send out applications.
26.) I wasn't sure if I could still enjoy acting if it was my job (as opposed to my hobby).
27.) I was afraid of rejection.
28.) I am afraid of rejection.
29.) My heart has almost completely mended from my July, 2002 break up with my boyfriend of almost fifteen months.
30.) My longest relationship lasted fifteen months.
31.) I thought that this would be the guy I'd marry.
32.) I thought I loved him.
33.) Now I'm not so sure.
34.) He and are trying to be friends.
35.) I'm not convinced it'll work.
36.) We're just too different/our interests are too dissimilar.
37.) I am a university student.
38.) I'm studying Comparative Literature and Civilization, and English Literature.
39.) No, I don't want to be a teacher.
40.) Though I do have moments of madness when I swear I'm going to get a Master of Arts and Ph'D in Comparative Literature.
41.) I have an irrational fear of getting a real job to augment my writing income (or lack thereof!)
42.) I'm afraid having a real job will give me an excuse to succumb to my fear of rejection (ie. I'm afraid I'll cease to to seek publication and writing will become just a hobby instead of a passion)
43.) I am Canadian!
44.) My favourite beer is not.
45.) I drink Guinness.
46.) Well, admittedly, I do enjoy the odd Sleeman's Cream Ale.
47.) I don't drink alone.
48.) But I am a coffee-holic!
49.) There's no help for me there!!!!!
50.) I actually think writing this list is fun.
51.) I wonder if that's a product of the "writer's ego" that Professor Garber says I seem to have under control?
52.) My best friends are Kerri, who I have known since senior kindergarten, and
Ryan, who I met during my first year of university.
53.) I love to travel.
54.) Though I've yet to venture off the continent I was born on.
55.) I want to go to Europe.
56.) Places where I'd like to live for a year or so include Montreal, Quebec; Prince Edward Island; the Hudson Bay area; London,
England; and Venezia nell'Italia.
57.) I am learning to speak Italian.
58.) I studied French for thirteen years.
59.) Though I have yet to take a French course since entering university.
60.) I miss studying French.
61.) My father's family is French and my mother's is Irish-Italian.
62.) The Irish are from Belfast.
63.) My maternal great-great grandfather was murdered by the I.R.A.
65.) They thought he was an Orangeman.
66.) He was Catholic.
67.) I feel closer to the Irish-Italian side of the family.
68.) They're a lot more open than the French side.
69.) is just any other number!
70.) I want to learn German.
71.) And Japanese.
72.) I am absolutely fascinated by India.
73.) I have a celebrity crush on Chris Martin of Coldplay.
74.) I think he's an intelligent, articulate and sensitive musician.
75.) And his blue eyes make me weak in the knees.
76.) Though I had heard of Oxfam before, Coldplay's promoting of the organization made me
more aware of what the organization actually does.
77.) I am a member of my university's chapter of Oxfam.
78.) I sometimes feel both helpless and hopeless when it comes to lobbying for fair trade legislation.
79.) I am skeptical of the effectiveness of consumer boycotts.
80.) I openly admit to being a socialist and a New Democratic Party supporter.
81.) I don't like being called a "tree hugger."
82.) I go gaga for British accents!
83.) I am allergic to cigarette smoke.
84.) And penicillin, sulfas and ceclor.
85.) I react most severely to penicillin.
86.) When I've had it, I've bled internally.
87.) Because of all my medicinal allergies, I have never tried any non-regulated drug.
88.) I am the oldest of three children.
89.) I want to stand out.
90.) But I don't want to overshadow my siblings.
91.) I am proud of my brother and sister.
92.) I would call myself maternal.
93.) I have lived with my present roommate for the past three years.
94.) I sometimes wish I had an older brother.
95.) I realize that my friend Randy is like an older brother (he's three years older than I am. We grew up together.)
96.) I would consider my mother one of best friends. Right up there with Kerri and Ryan.
97.) I enjoy playing chess even though my game needs more practice.
98.) Despite feeling increasingly more cynical, I would generally classify myself as an optimist.
99.) I can be quite paradoxical.
100.) I wouldn't have me any other way.
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