Saturday, October 13, 2007

Notes on an October Saturday

I feel very accomplished today.

I baked my weekly loaf of spelt bread, and I read the newspaper and a bit from Frankenstein while taking a leisurely brunch. And that was just the A.M.!

This afternoon, I did a bit of writing here and houseware-related dreaming over here (when I have more money, I am buying this sheet set in merlot--it will pick up the dark, reddish pinks in my quilt quite nicely, I think); washed dishes; researched area-based vegetarian blogs and organizations (I had some luck in the blogs department, but not much else); and made curried butternut squash soup for dinner.

Finally, this evening found me reading a little more Frankenstein and preparing for Monday morning's job interview.

I think I shall sleep well tonight!


Erik said...

Break a leg on the interview!

I hope it matches what you are searching for and that you are who they have been looking for.

elysa said...

Hey Natalie,
I found you through Bust and I wanted to invite you to join our 20something bloggers group. Info about it is on my blog

Natalie said...

Thanks, Erik! The interview went well. And now we wait...

Elysa, what a great idea! Thanks for the invite. :)