Sunday, January 02, 2005

Once again I've proven that I cannot enter a bookstore without leaving with new books. As if I needed to prove that! The latest purchases: Anatomy of Criticism by Northrop Frye and my own, very-much-longed-for copy of The History of Sexuality, Volume One by Michel Foucault.

Got an e-mail from my Yale-bound former prof. He's finished and mailed out my letters of reference. Already. I have until February 1st, but I'd like to have the rest of my applications (or at least the application to Western) finished by the end of the week. Still waiting to hear back from my other (potential) referee, who I suspect is probably only just returning from yet another trip to Italy.

Anyway, I suppose I should go return The Delicate Art of Parking (a movie starring Corner Gas' Fred Ewanuick and Nancy Robertson that looked much funnier than it is) to Rogers before I end up missing the first half hour of Lives of the Saints.

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