Friday, November 22, 2002

It's noon on a Friday and what would I like to be doing right now? Besides sleeping, I mean. That's right. I'd like to pretend that I'm going to see Tori Amos in Toronto tonight. But, alas, that kind of role playing will do me no good. I'll stop and realize that--wait!--I'm not going to see Tori. And then I'll be sad.

Lucky Aimee. That's what she's doing tonight--seeing Tori in Toronto.

That means I get to dit through the last night of auditions. Last night, Derritt (one of the producers) told us that audition times for tonight are booked right from 6:10 to 7:30. And those are the people who bothered to book a time slot. It wasn't mandatory. Wow. we're going to be there until who-knows-when!

So, yeah. Aimee's not going to be there. She won't be at the casting meeting either, but I think I can represent our interests and the interests of my play (who better to represent the interests of my play than me, right? : ) ) well. I'll fight for the actors we need.

Speaking of actors, Aimee and I could have casted my play after the first night. But, boy, am I glad there was more than one night of auditions! Shortly before 8:30 last night, in walked our Adam. He has "it"--the charisma, the confidence, the look to be our Adam (interestingly, his real name is Adam). He could definitely win me back after knocking me around and kicking me to the curb! That's the key. I think the sensitivity there, too. That's needed for playing Adam. He's really not an ass. His issues with control stem from his fear of commitment. He loves Diana, but wants control in their relationship. When I watch the males auditioning for us, I try to ask myself, "Would I have been won back?" If the answer is "no," then I know that Diana wouldn't be won over. There's more than a little bit of me in that character...

On Wednesday, we found a good Diana. As it stands, she has the part. No one else has even come close. But we'll see what happens tonight. Last night, I didn't expect we'd find someone who was so dead-on Adam.

Scholastic Exploit Update: One essay/assignment down; four to go. Hope to have one finished (yes, this one has actually been started!) before I have to head to campus for auditions. Hope to have the next one done for Sunday (it's due Tuesday) so I can start on the big Dante and PoMo final papers. Argh! This time of year irritates me. I'd rather be writing creatiely than giving scholarly arguments! I think that's why I'm having so much trouble focussing: my heart's just not in it. Heh. You know what I spent about two or three hours doing post-auditions on Wednesday night when I should have been working on that paper that I handed in yesterday? I worked on a revision for my play. It's almost--there. Still needs a little tweaking, but I like where it's going. There's more for the actor's to go off of now.

I guess working on more academic writings does pay off, though, too. When I got home last night, there was a message on my machine from my mom. Apparently, a letter from the university had arrived for me. I called her back and had her open it. And guess who won a $1,000 Shaw Family Scholarship for having one of the highest marks for Lambton County students attending UWO???! That's right: me!

This was such a great surprise. Came at the right time. I now don't feel so bad about my spending last weekend. You know, I feel like celebrating. Maybe I'll buy myself Tori's new CD...

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