Saturday, November 23, 2002

The casting is complete. Aimee and I got all of the preformers we wanted. I had to be adamant. And it worked. Apart from our two leads, there were two other people who we thought could do the roles, too. One of those two Aimee missed. It was too bad. This girl had a great audition! She's in one of the other plays, though. Which is really cool. I think she'd be better suited for that part, anyway. The girl who is playing Diana just has that extra something. Just like the actor who is playing Adam had more charisma than the other potential Adam. Ah, casting. One of the few times in life where it is actually acceptable to judge people on early impressions! I commented similarly to one of the other playwrights last night.

The whole experience--I'd do it again. There were times when, during the casting, you really just don't want to be there, but for the most it was a lot of fun. I think it was more because of the people who were casting alongside me than anything else. We all had our delirious moments. Four of us playwrights and our two prodcers went out for drinks after everything was finished last night. Much needed stress relief, let me tell you!

I've got another party to go to in a few hours. And work and house (read: my bedroom) cleaning to do before. So why am I still writing? I don't know. I suppose--nay, I know--it's therapeutic. Like the other night, when I found it hard to focus on my essay, I worked on a revision of my play and when I had finished, I was able to focus a little bit better. Writing does so much for me. I can't imagine what I'd be like without that as an outlet for frustration, aspiration, creation. Even if I could imagine that person, I really don't think I'd want to be her; she'd be miserable and oh-what-a-bore!

Borrowing a leaf from Tehlonious' book...

Currently listening to "Never Going Back Again" by Fleetwood Mac.

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