Tuesday, October 29, 2002

I know the results of stupid quizzes I've done are probably of no interest to any of you, but--though I wanted to post something--I don't have the time to mince words tonight (I stockpile said results for such occasions as these.) I'm sorry! In the future (ie. after this week), I will try to keep the crap to a minimum. : ) But this is my blog, so I'm not making any promises. I have more exams/essays in December, you know!

So without further ado, I'd like you all to know the following:

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty

"No psycho slayer is going to get between you and your right to life. You're an ass-kicker, a charge taker, and if need be, a monster masher. You're level-headed in sticky situations, you trust yout instincts, and you're not afraid to get a little dirty while getting the job done. Simply put, you rock! But don't get carried away. Even though your little brother might act like a creep sometimes, you definately shouldn't be driving stakes through his heart!"

Hmmmm... I think this result is debatable. It would so depend on the movie. If it was something like, say, Halloween (the first one, of course!) I'd be toast. ; ) Now, if we're talking I Know What You Did Last Summer...

What Do You Wear to Bed?

Brought to you by Faytrial

Heh. Shows how much (or how little... it depends on how you look at it...) that quiz knows...! ; ) I sleep in... or maybe I don't...

which musicgenre fits to you?

Alternative? Of course! I LOVE alternatives!

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