Thursday, November 30, 2006

The status of women in Canada? We're not that important, apparently.

What this is is the beginning of an attack on women's rights in Canada.

So long as an economic disparity between men and women in this country exists; so long as violence against women persists; so long as women are shamed for breastfeeding their infant children in public (SkylarKD has posted on this a couple of times this past month); so long as there are roadblocks to a woman's right to choose, there is need of a government office dedicated to addressing and defending women's issues!

How is the Canadian Heritage Department (?!?!) going to help women "more directly" than Status of Women Canada? How are we supposed to fit into their mandate?

I have never felt more acutely a sense of alienation from a federal government which not only fails to represent me, but believes it is not expedient to address me and my "issues."


Anonymous said...

I have never felt more acutely a sense of alienation from a federal government which not only fails to represent me, but believes it is not expedient to address me and my "issues."

Not only that, but they don't seem to believe that there are women's issues anymore! We're totally equal now, didn'tcha know? :P

Natalie said...

I guess I didn't get the memo... ;p