Monday, April 19, 2004

Excuse my lack of creativity, but...

I'm swamped and feeling a little intellectually burdened. Consequently, for the next few days--if I blog at all--you be getting nothing but links and mindless memes from me!

Monday Madness

Pick a letter; any letter.........Got one?
Ok, for the following questions, each of your answers must begin with the letter you chose.......Have fun!! =)

I pick "m"...

1. If you were limited to 3 things to pack for an overnight trip, what would you pack? moisturizer, medication, money

2. What 3 things would you pack in your picnic basket? manicotti, merlot, mushroom salad

3. What are 3 things you'd rather do than go to work? Monster Mash(!), Macarena, mambo

4. Name 1 song. "Mystery Achievement" (Pretenders)

5. Name 1 movie. Maelstrom

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