Shit. Columbia. Reminds me too much of Challenger. Yeah. I remember the Challenger. I can't imagine anyone who can't. That's not something people forget. Nor is this. Please spare us all future quasi re-inactments.
Deadlines I can do without...
Well, I can do without all deadlines, but I'm trying to be realistic here. I have to read Charles Dickens' Hard Times by Monday. I love Dickens. I just despise that Monday deadline.
Feelings I can do without...
My tummy feels icky. I better not be getting sick again. Homesickness is another. I think I better take a trip home either next weekend or the weekend after at the latest.
Music I can't do without...
I loves me my The Two Towers soundtrack! I've been listening to it a lot lately. It's relaxing enough to make great background music while I read/type/do yoga/slack off, and interesting enough to just sit and listen to it.
New t-shirt I can't do without...
My Dirk Diggler-style tee with the AC/DC screening. Yay!
Praises I can't do without...
Though--unfortunately--my play didn't get a second showing on Friday, the ajudicator liked my script! He gave me a few suggestions (only one of which I agree with and will actually use--hey! It's ultimately gotta be my artistic vision, right?), but he called it "a lovely script!" And my mentor (my former creative writing professor) loved it, too! Yay again!
Apparently, other people really liked it, too. Apparent from my beloved friends and family, I mean. No offense, guys, but I suspect you may not be as objective as you tell me you are... My dear Tony sent me this news:
Today i was decommissioning some telecommunications equipment at a company in London. That is a job i've never done before and I was called to do it just today. The person doing the job with me was a mutual friend named Doug, and when we needed some tools for the job, he called one of his friends. Anyway, as the call progressed, I overheard him talking to his friend about a 'play' he saw with his girlfriend the night before and something along the lines of the LTC. His friend (whom we called to borrow his screwdriver) wrote the play. Right after my friend/co-worker hung up, I asked him about it. I then asked if my friend and his girlfriend saw any other plays.
He said yes.
I then said, "I wonder if you saw this play of someone I know of."
He then said, "Natalie St. Pierre?".
I then said, "Yeah! That's weird. How did you know who I was talking about?"
He said, "She's the only other one I know of because we really liked her play. She was the only one we actually took time for to look in the program to see who wrote a play. We were actually going to come up to her in person and tell her we enjoyed it."
How random (and cool!) is that???!
And to end the evening on an interesting note, as far as the ever-so-reliable (and ever-so-fun!) world of internet quizzes go, I'm like...

What sexy girl are you
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