I found a link to this quiz at Candice's blog (thanks, Candice!) Being the internet quiz-whore that I am, I took it. It proved interesting. Some of the results I agree with wholeheartedly. Others couldn't be further from the truth.
The results (and my comments on each of them) are as follows (ignore the test's ATROCIOUS spelling! I'm trying to...):
1. You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. No kidding! I think that's why I have the all the problems I have with guys: I'm attracted to the free spirit, the kind of guy who doesn't want to be tied down in a relationship. A few weeks ago, I commented to an aquaintance of mine that being a heterosexual female was my own version of BDSM. But it's more than that. I want the guy who can't commit to make a commitment. And, of course, I lose and get emotionally battered in the process. But does that teach me anything? You would think it would, wouldn't you? But it hasn't yet. Like I said, it's my own brand of masochism.
2. In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you feel irresistable is creative, never let you feel bored. Oh, so
true! See above. Interesting how those guys are usually fellow writers, artists or musicians...
3. The impression you would like to give to your lover is stylish. Hey. I'm just myself. And I think I'm a pretty kewl kat. Uh, usually. The momentary exceptions being the times where I feel the impulse to spell like a grade schooler. So, yeah. I think I'm pretty "stylish" (if we can indeed use "stylish" and "cool" interchangeably). So why wouldn't I want my lover to get to know me as I am?
4. You don't like it when your partner is insecure. Oh, so true! One of the reasons why I split from my first boyfriend (back in ggrade eleven), apart from the fact that we hardly saw each other, was his insecurity. I didn't like it that he put me on a pedestal, saw me as infalliable, gave me the whole "I'm not worthy" routine. It frustrated me to no end--it made me feel like he was incapable of truly seeing me as I am. I may be "stylish," but I'm not perfect.
5. The kind of relationship you would like to build with your partner is one that you care not only about the present but also the future with your partner, a long-lasting relationship that you can grow with. This is the real kicker! I not only want the free spirit to commit, but I want him to commit long-term as well! Ah! When will I learn?!?!
6. You can never be stabilized; actually, you are not suitable for marriage and you don't want to make committment. True, at times, I can be a bit of a free spirit myself and I do NEED my space when I want it, but I wouldn't say that I'm unsuited for marriage! I've always wanted to get married and have a family of my own. Yes, dreams change, but this dream is one that has always been a constant. I guess I'm a bit of a paradox...
7. You think of marriage as a precious thing. Once you get married, you'll treasure it and your partner very much. Yeah. This is very true, too. It's just the way I was raised. You make a vow before God to love someone until death parts the two of you. I'd say that makes something pretty precious/sacred.
8. At this moment, you are quite self-centered; you think of love as something you can get and trash anytime you want. Uh, no. I beg to differ. Yes, I've been doing a lot of personal inventory lately, but that hardly makes me self-centred. I've just been taking stock of my life to find out what I'm doing right and what, if anything, should change so that I can grow as an individual and as a friend, sister, daughter, lover, et cetera. As for the second half of that statement, maybe I'm too much of a sap for my own good, but I treasure love and romance. Not everyone's lucky enough to have the strength to let themselves really fall in love, make themselves that vulnerable. When I find that strength, that love is going to be something that is cherished, never "trashed."
As far as quizzes go, though, I suppose this one wasn't too far off. Getting six of eight statements right isn't too shabby at all. How accurate was this quiz for you?
Sunday, December 01, 2002
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