Sunday, November 17, 2002

I had a great time in Toronto this weekend. I spent way too much money, though. In my defence, I resisted the temptation to buy a copy of The Clash's Give 'Em Enough Rope for $9.99 and Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon for $15.99. But those were easier than the others (I had already purchased a Clash album this weekend [Sandanista!] and I own Pink Floyd's Pulse, a live album with much of Dark Side of the Moon on it); I had already succumbed to temptation too many times.

I'm a little annoyed at my lack of restraint.

I'll soothe my ill feelings by listening to The Flaming Lips' Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots and by breathing in the lingering aroma of my new Raspberry Patchouli incense. And then maybe I'll watch The Simpsons and snack. And then listen to Richard Ashcroft's Alone With Everybody while I work on a film critique for my Postmodernism class... Or maybe I'll sleep. Yes, sleep would be good.

But I seem to remember hearing something about "no sleep for the wicked"...

Well, if my consumption of CDs this past weekend is wicked--and judging by the number of CDs I bought (for my own safety, should certain parents of mine happen to stumble upon this entry, I refuse to print the actual number) and my current financial situation it is--I shouldn't allow myself until I've atoned. Or at least written some of that film critique.

Oh, I'm a bad, bad socialist...

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