Friday, November 29, 2002

Happy Buy Nothing Day! Got questions? AdBusters' got answers!

Or, in a nutshell, But Nothing Day means the following to me:
1.) Lunch: bag it, don't buy it.
2.) Holiday shopping: trade for it, don't pay for it. (UWO's chapter of Oxfam is facilitating a 'free store' where you can exchange your cast-offs for the cast-offs of others. Another man's trash...)
3.) Transportation: bus/walk it, don't drive it. (Yes, I am aware that public transportation still requires someone to purchase gas and consumers to purchase fares, but not everything can be reached on feet and public transportation is indeed a good start to curbing your consumer habits!)

Bottom line: Buy Nothing Day is designed to help all of us think about our consumer habits. It helps us ask ourselves, "Why do we buy? What are we buying into?" It's a day that's meant to help people think how our consumption can hurt others and how it affects ourselves.

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