Sunday, October 27, 2002

I don't know why I'm writing this. Usually, when I sit down to post, I have something to get out of my system. But today? Today I feel that at last I have nothing to say. Matthew Good, formerly of the Matthew Good Band, wrote a book about having nothing to say. It's a collection of essays really, his online manifestos and a few new pieces. at last there is nothing left to say (Insomniac Press, 2001) is an entertaining read, teeming with Matt's trademark wit and mind-fucking. A few of the pieces are painfully self-indulgent, but most reward their reader as much as they did their writer.

That's the thing about Matt Good. He does what he feels he needs to do. And he doesn't care what anyone else thinks about it. His music and words seem to say, "Hey, world! You don't like me? So what?!" Consequently, those who love him and what he does, really do. And those who don't... Love him or hate him, you have to at least admire his courage.

I happen to be a part of the first group: I love Matt Good (and not just because I think he's sexy!) So much so that I don't find it necessary to even proclaim my affection on my links sidebar--everyone who knows me well already knows what I think of Matt. For those of you who didn't, well, now you do. So there's no excuse in the future. Understandably, then, was my disappointment at the break up of the Matthew Good Band last year. For the second time. The last time. The break up came on the heels of in-fighting and a lackluster album (even Matt himself has gone on record stating his dislike for The Audio of Being.)

Perhaps, though, this break up was what was need to rejuvenate Matt's work. Check out his first video as a solo artist (note the presence of Rich Priske, his bassist from the Matthew Good Band.) Matt's back in top form. Look for his new album in early 2003 and, for those of you who like compilations, Big Shiny Tunes, Volume 7 (available as of November 7th), which features the single "Weapon."

I guess, then, there was something left to say. For Matt.

And for myself.

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